How Often Should Pressure Relief Valves Be Tested?


how often should pressure relief valves be tested

Pressure relief valves are vital components in many industrial processes and systems. They play a crucial role in preventing catastrophic overpressure situations by releasing excess pressure and safeguarding equipment, personnel, and the environment.

To ensure the proper functioning of pressure relief valves and maintain a high level of safety, regular testing is essential. So, you may be wondering, how often should pressure relief valves be tested?

We’re going to take a look at the importance of pressure relief valve care, discuss different types of valves, explore valve maintenance practices, and elaborate on testing valves to ensure their reliability and safety.

The Significance of Pressure Relief Valve Care

Pressure relief valves, often referred to as safety valves or pressure safety valves, are a key element of pressure vessels, pipelines, and other equipment where pressurized substances are handled.

Their primary function is to protect these systems from overpressure, which could result from various factors, including equipment malfunction, process upsets, or thermal expansion.

Failing to properly care for and maintain these valves can have serious consequences. There are a number of reasons why regular testing should be conducted.

Safety Hazards

Malfunctioning or poorly maintained pressure relief valves can lead to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. If you’re ever unsure about the safety of the valve, then it is important to get it checked out.

Environmental Damage

Failure of pressure relief valves can result in hazardous substances being released into the environment. This can lead to pollution and ecological damage.

Financial Losses

Equipment damage, production downtime, and legal liabilities can result in significant financial losses for companies.

Given these potential risks, it’s crucial to prioritize pressure relief valve care to ensure the continued safety and efficiency of industrial processes.

Types of Valves

It’s important to understand the different types of valves commonly used in industrial settings. There are three main categories of pressure relief valves.

Safety Valves

Safety valves are the most common type of pressure relief valve. They are typically designed to open fully at a predetermined set pressure and close at a specific pressure decrease.

Safety valves are commonly used in applications where overpressure protection is critical.

Relief Valves

Relief valves are designed to open gradually, relieving pressure in a more controlled manner compared to safety valves.

They are often used in systems where abrupt pressure release could be detrimental.

Rupture Discs

Rupture discs are a type of non-reclosing pressure relief device. They consist of a thin membrane that ruptures at a predetermined pressure, providing instant and full relief. Rupture discs are commonly used in applications where rapid pressure relief is required.

Each type of pressure relief valve has its own unique characteristics and is chosen based on the specific needs and requirements of the system in which it is installed.

Valve Maintenance

Regular maintenance of pressure relief valves is essential to ensure their proper functioning. Neglecting maintenance can lead to valve failure when it is needed most.

Here are some key maintenance practices that should be followed.

Visual Inspection

Routine visual inspections should be performed to check for any visible signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Valves should be inspected for leaks, rust, and any unusual changes in appearance.

Performance Testing

Performance testing involves checking whether the valve operates as expected. This can include conducting seat and pop tests to ensure that the valve opens and closes at the correct set pressure.


Some valves require periodic lubrication to prevent sticking or improper operation. Lubrication schedules should be followed as recommended by the valve manufacturer.


Valve components should be kept clean and free from debris or foreign material that could obstruct their operation. Regular cleaning is important, especially in environments with high levels of dust or contaminants.


Maintaining comprehensive records of maintenance activities is crucial for tracking the history of each valve. This documentation can be used to schedule future maintenance and identify any recurring issues.

Proper maintenance not only extends the life of pressure relief valves but also ensures that they are ready to perform their critical safety functions when necessary.

How Often Should Pressure Relief Valves Be Tested?

Testing pressure relief valves is a fundamental aspect of ensuring their safety and reliability.

The frequency of testing can vary based on several factors, including the type of valve, the application, and industry standards.

Newly Installed Valves

When a pressure relief valve is initially installed, it should undergo a series of tests to confirm that it functions as expected.

These tests help ensure that the valve operates at the correct set pressure and reseats properly after relieving pressure. After the initial testing, the valve’s next test should be based on the system’s specific requirements.

Routine Testing

Routine testing is essential to confirm that pressure relief valves are in good working order. The frequency of routine testing can vary depending on the valve type and the application.

In many industries, an annual inspection and testing schedule is common. However, more frequent testing may be required for critical applications or in harsh environments.

Operating Conditions

Valve testing should also consider the operating conditions of the system. For instance, systems subject to frequent pressure fluctuations or exposure to harsh chemicals may require more frequent testing to ensure reliability.

Regulatory Requirements

Many industries are subject to specific regulations and standards that dictate the frequency of pressure relief valve testing. It is essential to be aware of and comply with these regulations to maintain legal and safety compliance.

Emergency and Upset Situations

Pressure relief valves should also be tested following any emergency or upset situation that may have caused the valve to open. After such events, a thorough inspection and testing can confirm that the valve remains in proper working condition.

Find Valve Experts Today

How often should pressure relief valves be tested? The frequency of pressure relief valve testing should be determined by a combination of factors. It’s essential to establish a robust testing and maintenance schedule to safeguard your systems and personnel effectively.

Everlasting Valve Co. excels in providing highly durable valve solutions across industries. With unmatched longevity and reliability, their valves outperform traditional options. Choose Everlasting for dependable, long-lasting valve solutions.

Reach out to us today for a quote.

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