The Best Quick Opening Valves For Boilers

Quick opening valves play a key part in boiler blowdown sequencing and other aspects of operating and maintaining boilers. These valves provide large changes in flow without delay. That being said, quick opening valves are up against a lot of pressure and need to function reliably to help your boiler environment work the way it should. It’s important to choose valves for boilers that will stand up to harsh environments, high pressure, and continuous usage to avoid downtime and other problems.
When you’re looking the best quick opening valves for boilers, look no further than Everlasting. Our valves hold up to the promise of their name. They last for ages, even in the harshest of conditions. That’s because we’ve designed them to wear in, not out, with a unique self-lapping system that cleans and polishes the valve, tightening the seal with use. Our valve selection began with self-lapping rotating disc valves specifically to deal with abrasive slurries in boiler blowdown service. You can rely on us for all of your boiler valve needs — we’ve been doing this since 1906.
Check out these specs to get a good idea of how our quick opening valves will suit your boiler!
Quick Opening Everlasting Valves – All the Details
To start with, our quick opening valves meet ASME and ANSI code. Both American National Standards Institute and American Society of Mechanical Engineers codes are stringent. You can rest assured that our quick opening valves are of the utmost quality, keeping your boiler compliant.
They are available in various sizes, ranging from one inch to two and a half inches, in iron and steel body materials. You can choose between screw end and flanged end types, combining all of these features to find the best valve for your needs.
We’ve made our quick opening valves for boilers self-lapping and leakproof, and they get better with use. The line pressure and heavy spring hold the disc tightly against the body seat to seal off the flow, until operation when the disc slides across the body seat. The self-lapping action of the rotating disc ensures that the disc can’t hang up on boiler scale, important to the function of your boiler, while keeping the precision lapped surface clean.
With these valves, you won’t have to adjust the post packing. It does it all by itself, using a spring and line pressure. No more erosion or leakage of the stuffing box for you to deal with! And features like lever operation ensure that the valves are fast to open, serving your needs well.
If you need both quick opening valves and slow opening valves in one body, we can do that for you, too. Our duplex valves and uni-tandem valves also meet ASME and ANSI code. They are made of carbon steel and feature the same quality construction and design that ensure the valves will last through a long lifetime of service.
The Benefits of Everlasting Quick Opening Valves
Downtime costs money. Replacing valves costs money, too. Whether you are dealing with a lot of unwanted, unplanned outages thanks to faulty valves, or you are shutting down operations too frequently to replace cheap valves, it’s time to put a stop to wasted time and money.
Many companies stick with inexpensive valves, figuring that it’s better to spend less on valves that need replacing regularly. But if you look at the longer-term view, those cheap valves are causing the outages and the need for frequent replacement and repair work. When you invest in higher quality valves, like our Everlasting quick opening valves, your downtime will immediately slow or even stop. Our valves function far better, for far longer than others on the market. Work with us to reduce the need for replacement valves. And know that we’ve designed your new Everlasting valves to withstand the test of time and harsh environments.
It does cost more to invest in high-quality valves than it does to buy cheap valves whenever you need them. If you look at the numbers behind constantly replacing valves, buying more, and shutting down your boiler to fix your valve-related problems, you will find that an investment in Everlasting Valve Company is a wise business move that is sure to pay off.
We’re happy to talk to you about our quick opening valves, how they can help your company manage its boilers, and how they can improve the lifespan of your equipment. These valves have done a lot for other businesses. They are well worth the investment in quality products and superior performance. Get in touch with us to order your valves today!