

Industrial Marine Valves For Off-Shore Processing

Oil processing is a challenging environment by itself, and when you add a marine/offshore setting, every piece of equipment has to work that much harder in the face of water, salt, corrosion, and pressure. Marine valves have to work in unique and often service conditions, resisting saltwater and marine-related failures. Why Marine Valves Matter Our […]


A Reliable Wastewater Valve Replacement

Conventional wastewater valves cover a wide range of products, including gate valves, check valves, and knife valves. They are used for critical purposes like isolation, modulation, and have to operate in challenging conditions. Wastewater valves encounter varying flows, pressures, and temperature, as well as chemicals and materials that can be corrosive or abrasive. These typical […]


Everlasting Slurry Valves – Manufacturing Reliable Valves Since 1906

Our slurry valves are made to handle thick materials with abrasive properties, without plugging or compromising the valve seal. Processing slurry is a challenge these valves easily meet thanks to our expertise as a slurry valves manufacturer. Valves are our specialty. Our company manufactures four different types of valves that suit virtually every industrial application, along […]


Valves For Delayed Coking | Delayed Coking Process

There are not many environments that are as challenging as the delayed coking process. Temperatures reach upward of 1000°F and coke valves have to maintain reliability while managing the abrasive and erosive coke by-product and undergoing extreme thermal cycling. A good coker valve ensures stability, safety, and profitability throughout the delayed coking process, which means […]


Industrial Sand Valves | Sand Separation & Collection

People in all kinds of industrial settings need industrial valves every day. Our clients are wide-ranging, and include cement factories that seek the best deals for ball valves and maintenance firms that had been shopping around better valves. For the longest-lasting valves on the market, we recommend looking in one place. Right here, at Everlasting […]


Fly Ash Valves – The Benefits Of Ash Handling With Everlasting Valves

In the world of heavy-duty industrial applications, nothing less will do than a heavy-duty valve. You need equipment that will stand up to the complexities of environments that require durable equipment. One way in which heavy-duty valves perform involves ash handling, the method of either conveying or collecting ash residue that has been left over […]


Coal Valves For Industrial Uses

In a coal plant, equipment including valves works under demanding conditions. High temperatures and pressure differentials, corrosion, and many chemical and environmental deposits degrade machinery at a high rate, and if coal valves cannot stand up to this tough job, they degrade too, causing expensive malfunctions and outages. Coal valves may seem like a small […]


Metal Seated Valves Vs. Soft Seated Valves

A lot of decisions await anyone looking at industrial valves. Size, body material, design, and seat type all impact the way a valve works and how it stands up in harsh environments. Metal seated valves have different properties than soft seated valves. And one may be a better choice over another depending on your needs. […]


The Most Reliable Cement Silo Valve

Cement silos are essential in cement production, storing building materials and mixtures. They are also an element of production that can bring an extra risk of problems. These include issues that require planned downtime for maintenance or, worse yet, unplanned emergency downtime. In a cement silo, valves are equally essential in ensuring performance and reliability. […]


Types Of Valves Used In Power Plants

Power generation relies heavily on valves. The types of valves used in power plants are typically widely varied, as each one takes on a different role. In a conventional thermal power plant set-up, the valves used in power plants can include: Safety Valves and Safety Shut Off Valves These valves used in power plants work […]